parasite infestation - why is it a hushed-up topic?
Parasitic infestations in humans are very common today.
Specific but also non-specific symptoms indicate parasites in the body.
Diagnostic methods are one-sidedly flawed and little attention is paid to this important problem.
An introduction to the topic with possible therapeutic approaches is the best solution for practical action today.
Comprehensive introduction to the specific topic of the Worm infestation (parasite infestation)
Understand what causes a worm infestation and what treatment options are available
Knowing the symptoms acute and chronic
Knowing the most important homeopathic remedies for worm infestation
Knowing the possibilities of treatment with other means from frequency medicine (radionics, Etascan, TimeWaver, multi-wave oscillator, orgone waves)
Sensitization to the serious topic in connection with health promotion and successful therapy
Sharing experiences from everyday practice from more than 28 years of treatment work
What are worms (parasites) ?
Definition, species, occurrence
Main causative symptoms and health problems
diagnostic methods
Means against worms
therapy concepts
Questions and answers from the audience
José Vega-Stalder, more than 28 years of experience in the field of natural medicine and successful treatment of parasitic burdens, health practice in Wünnewil (FR)
Marco Brodbeck, Dipl. Ing, electrobiologist and energy medicine health consultant, practice in Liestal (BL)
key data
Location: Pavilion ‘The In-Between’, Mühlemattstrasse 50, 3007 Bern
Date: 02/04/2023
Times: 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m., 1:30 p.m. - 4:30 p.m
Cost: CHF 200.00 for NVS members, CHF 240.00 for externals
Meals: Centrally located with enough surrounding restaurants. Coffee maker, tea and water dispenser are available.