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Frequently Asked Questions & Answers to the TimeWaver quantum computer

Can I feel the treatment with the TimeWaver system? 
• Normally one does not feel a stimulation via the information field because it is a non-physical form (contactless) of the impulse 
• However, some people with a high sensitivity can perceive the pulse, especially if they are in a very quiet room with little interference (no conversations, no radio interference, etc.) 
• Animals often react instantaneously according to the transmission impulse, since they are more directly (instinctively) connected to their information field 

What are the advantages of the TimeWaver system compared to bioresonance? 

• The TimeWaver system can analyze causes on all life-relevant levels in the information field and balance them in the information field (life-relevant levels: spiritual, karmic,  emotional, mental, biochemical, physical, living environment such as work, relationship and social environment) 

What are the advantages of the TimeWaver system compared to other radionic systems? 
• The TimeWaver system works with two independent noise diodes in the client's energy field, which are completely shielded from external influences by so-called Kozyrev mirrors. This achieves a very good signal quality for analysis and transmission. 
• The third noise source, the light quantum resonator, works with photons. The data obtained in this way is based on a pure quantum effect with no physically identifiable cause. According to Burkhard Heim, these quantum effects are information in its purest form. By using this technology, a very high quality of analysis and transmission is achieved 
• TimeWaver has over 14 years of expertise and experience in information field medicine


Is there a scientific basis for the existence of information fields? 
• Rupert Sheldrake: Exploring Morphogenetic Fields 
• Niels Bohr: Danish physicist in the field of atomic structure and its radiation 
• René Peoch: French scientist on the interaction of consciousness and  white noise (TimeWaver noise diode) 
• Burkhard Heim (German physicist): describes information fields in his 12-dimensional model 
• Marcus Schmieke: has been researching the connections between consciousness and matter for many years and then developed the TimeWaver systems 
• Carl Gustav Jung: describes the principle of synchronicity by mirroring simultaneous unconscious inner content in external physical events, whereby conscious and unconscious content of the client can be reflected at the same time 

How do I then notice that the TimeWaver system has changed something in my life? 
• Due to the multidimensional work of the TimeWaver system, changes can be made on very 
take place on different levels (professional, family, social, etc.) 
• The TimeWaver system works a-causally, i.e. a causal relationship between the symptom and the level on which TimeWaver influences is often not immediately recognizable

 How long does the treatment with the TimeWaver system last? 
• This varies greatly and varies from client to client. The minimum duration for a treatment is 1 month.
• Just as there is no illness a second time, there is also no identical cause of illness, so the course of recovery must always be viewed in a differentiated way 
• Factors influencing the length of recovery can include: personal willingness to 
Recovery, living environment, nutrition, conscious and unconscious programming, education, 
the karmic plan and much more.

Can the patient continue the treatment with the TimeWaver system via the 
Account for health insurance? 

• Since the existence of information fields is not recognized by conventional medicine, treatment with the TimeWaver system is purely a private service 

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